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  • Offers | Tinabelles

    You can find a selection of our offers here Our services are individually tailored to the needs of our customers. The first consultation is free so that we can get an idea of your wishes. In this way we can find out where your needs lie and in which tasks we can best support you. Tiny Tina from CHF 100.- / hour You are an organizational talent and would like to plan your wedding yourself. To make sure you haven't forgotten anything, we offer you the following support services: Consulting and Coaching Research Contacts from our network Administrative support (concept, budgetplan and/or selection of offer ) Contact us Sippin' and chillin' Wedding à la royals or a small celebration in the garden? You sit back with a glass of champagne, make your decisions and we plan your wedding from A-Z. Counseling Sessions Research and coordination of service providers Creation of budget plan, concept and screenplay Coordination on wedding day The individual price is calculated according to effort. Contact us You marry, we carry! from CHF 800.- You already have all service providers and just want to enjoy your big day? We coordinate everything and pull all the strings behind the scenes on your wedding day. Create script (schedule) with already selected service providers Contact all people involved and distributed tasks amongst all service providers Accompaniment and coordination on the wedding day including assistance Contact now Chic Peak from CHF 100.- / hour Are you planning an event and need support? Whether it's a baby shower, hen party, birthday or just an unforgettable party, we're happy to help! Tell us about your idea and we will support you individually. Research Contact from our network Administrative support (concept, budget plan or selection of offers) Organization of service providers Set up event Contact now

  • About us | Tinabelles

    W hat we live for Life should not only be lived, but above all be celebrated! A bout Michèle Life is unique and one-of-a-kind and I want to enjoy every day with exactly this attitude. Preferably in Hawaii with a glass of gin and tonic, the sun on my skin and pure "joie de vivre". - Of course I'm also happy at home in Schlieren with my boyfriend :) There is often a lot going on in our patchwork family and as the eldest of my four siblings, I like to be the one who pulls the string and has an open ear for everyone. It is also a great passion of mine to surprise people and knock their socks off. The word "Impossible" does not appear in my dictionary and that's why it's my motto to make the impossible possible in every aspect of planning and in life. I am a cheerful, harmonious and very goal-oriented person and I love being able to create happy moments. Up Hochzeitskoordinatorinnen Valentina Giuliana

  • Impressum | Tinabelles

    Impressum Tinabelles Hochzeitsplanung Michèle Hug Inhaberin: Michèle Tina Hug Brandstrasse 21 8952 Schlieren Schweiz Kontakt: Telefon: +41 78 872 21 94 E-Mail: Rechtsform: Einzelfirma Handelsregisternummer: CHE-388.423.281 Eintrag im Handelsregister: 07.05.2021 Haftungsausschluss: Trotz sorgfältiger Prüfung der Inhalte dieser Webseite übernimmt Tinabelles Hochzeitsplanung keine Haftung für die Aktualität, Korrektheit oder Vollständigkeit der bereitgestellten Informationen. Für den Inhalt von verlinkten externen Seiten sind ausschliesslich deren Betreiber verantwortlich. Urheberrecht : Alle Inhalte, Texte und Bilder auf dieser Website sind urheberrechtlich geschützt und dürfen ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung nicht verwendet werden. Dieses Impressum gilt auch für die Social-Media-Profile von Tinabelles Hochzeitsplanung. Stand: Januar 2025

  • Datenschutzerkärung | Tinabelles

    Datenschutzerklärung Erhobene Daten und Zweck der Verarbeitung: Wenn Sie unser Kontaktformular nutzen, erheben wir die folgenden personenbezogenen Daten: Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer und Ihre Nachricht. Diese Daten werden ausschliesslich verwendet, um Ihre Anfrage zu bearbeiten und mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten. Datenweitergabe: Ihre Daten werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben, es sei denn, dies ist zur Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage erforderlich (z.B. an unsere Dienstleister für Ihre Hochzeit).

  • Hochzeitsplanung | Tinabelles | Zürich

    TINABELLES The Art of Planning The most beautiful moments are not predictable - and if they are, we plan them E xperience your most beautiful day The most beautiful moments in our life are those that we spend with our loved ones. We have made it our mission to support you in all matters of this trip and planning. Whether a wedding, hen party or baptism, we make sure that your big day will be remembered forever. Contact us What sets us apart Professionalism & Experience Globetrotter with experience Individual care for each couple w e plan your event Do you need support in the complete organization of your wedding or would just a few guidelines help you? Our wide range of offers gives you the opportunity to get exactly what you need and to receive a service that is precisely tailored to your needs. Our offers A bout us We have known each other for 12 years and have been working in a team for over 2 years. We complement each other perfectly in our strengths and weaknesses, love to start a project together and finish it successfully. Feeling the joy, the emotions and the gratitude is an indescribable feeling - and the reason why we chose this profession. Additionally, Michèle completed the one-year course at the Academy of Wedding and Event Education in 2020 and is now a certified wedding planner. About us E xperience moments "Great things are achieved by a series of small things coming together." We live by this motto and pay attention to every little detail. Would you like to get an insight into the different events we have already organized? Then browse our gallery and let yourself be inspired To the gallery To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. W hat our clients say about us Dear Mischi and Vale We want to thank you for the wonderful service you bring! You are always there for our wishes/suggestions and with you two we know that you will exceed our expectations on our big day! Thank you ! - Thayna Aeschlimann 1/2 A big thank you to Tinabelles. You stepped in at very short notice for my daughter's baptism and organized everything perfectly. I would definitely recommend her and look forward to having Tinabelles plan my child's first birthday again! - Desirée Nussbaum 1/4 K ooperation und Medienpräsenz C ontact us First name Last Name E-mail Phone Message Submit Thank very much!

  • Contact | Tinabelles

    C ontact us Have we piqued your curiosity? Get in contact with us now! Our opening hours are as follows: Monday - Friday: 08.00 a.m. to 08.00 p.m Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m Message us via the contact form, via email, on our social media platforms or simply give us a call. We are looking forward to hear from you! First name Last name E-mail Phone Message Submit Message sent!

  • Testimonials | Tinabelles

    R & Dean achel "I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy. Just click" Edit Text "or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. I'm a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you. " Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image 1/12 Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image 1/12 C ristina & Remo "I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy. Just click" Edit Text "or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. I'm a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you. " S hauna & Ali "I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy. Just click" Edit Text "or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. I'm a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you. " Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image 1/12

  • Gallerie | Tinabelles

    Unforgettable memories Hochzeit Céline & Philippe Thayna and Carson's wedding took place in beautiful Tuscany. In the midst of wineries and the best Italian pizza and pasta, the two said yes to all their loved ones after 5 years of relationship. We were allowed to support the wonderful couple in the complete planning and accompanied them through their unforgettable wedding day. Hochzeit Thayna & Carson Thayna and Carson's wedding took place in beautiful Tuscany. In the midst of wineries and the best Italian pizza and pasta, the two said yes to all their loved ones after 5 years of relationship. We were allowed to support the wonderful couple in the complete planning and accompanied them through their unforgettable wedding day. Styled Shooting Bohemian Chic Wedding themes are like fashion. Trends change quickly and those who like classic today could develop a preference for modern again tomorrow. But not so with boho chic. Boho Chic is a trend that has existed for over 200 years and never ends. Boho lives nature and passion, the feeling of freedom, love and happiness is in the air and makes life easy. Styled Shooting Zirkus Theme -Ring free- A styled shooting in the new location magic hat in the middle of the Knies children's zoo. Surrounded by elephants and giraffes, the location is the perfect place to get married. With Prosecco and cotton candy this circus shoot became magical. 1st Birthday Party The little ones are the biggest! The first birthday of sweet little Alaia was celebrated with the motto Minnie Mouse and delighted young and old. From the design of the celebration to the invitation, to help with the decoration and coordination on the day itself, we were allowed to carry out the partial planning for the wonderful 1st birthday. Taufe Alaia's baptism took place in the beautiful Maria Magdalena church in Rafz. We were allowed to take over the partial planning for this baptism and thus support the new parents with the first big party for their little angel.

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